Example 3: Calculating observables
This is an example calculation of the two-body correlation function G_2.
A runnable script for this example is located here. Run it with julia G2-example.jl
Firstly, we load all needed modules. Rimu
for FCIQMC calculation, and DataFrames
for output
using Rimu
using Random
using DataFrames
We use the same Hamiltonian as the first example, a Bose-Hubbard model with 6 particles in 6 sites, with strong interactions (we expect a Mott insulating state).
m = n = 6
aIni = near_uniform(BoseFS{n,m})
H = HubbardReal1D(aIni; u = 6.0, t = 1.0)
HubbardReal1D(BoseFS{6,6}(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); u=6.0, t=1.0)
Now we define the operators for the observables we wish to calculate
dvals = 0:m-1
G2list = ([G2RealCorrelator(d) for d in dvals]...,)
(G2RealCorrelator(0), G2RealCorrelator(1), G2RealCorrelator(2), G2RealCorrelator(3), G2RealCorrelator(4), G2RealCorrelator(5))
This is a tuple of G2RealCorrelator
s, which are subtyped to AbstractHamiltonian
, but with less functionality than a full Hamiltonian. It calculates the two-body correlation function on a lattice
\[ \hat{G}^{(2)}(d) = \frac{1}{M} \sum_i^M \hat{n}_i (\hat{n}_{i+d} - \delta_{0d}).\]
with normalisation
\[ \sum_{d=0}^{M-1} \langle \hat{G}^{(2)}(d) \rangle = \frac{N (N-1)}{M}.\]
Observables are calculated using the "replica trick" whereby several copies or "replicas" of the model are run simultaneously. We enable this by defining a ReplicaStrategy
. Each replica has its own state and FCIQMC is effectively performed independently on each one. For calculating observables, we use AllOverlaps
for the ReplicaStrategy
. At each timestep, after the necessary FCIQMC variables are calculated for each replica, (e.g. shift, norm etc.), this strategy calculates the overlaps of every operator with the wavefunctions from each pair of replicas.
num_reps = 3
replica = AllOverlaps(num_reps; operator = G2list)
AllOverlaps{3, 6, Tuple{G2RealCorrelator{0}, G2RealCorrelator{1}, G2RealCorrelator{2}, G2RealCorrelator{3}, G2RealCorrelator{4}, G2RealCorrelator{5}}, true}((G2RealCorrelator(0), G2RealCorrelator(1), G2RealCorrelator(2), G2RealCorrelator(3), G2RealCorrelator(4), G2RealCorrelator(5)))
We need a reasonable number of timesteps to get good statistics, and we are running multiple replicas, so we will only use a small number of walkers:
steps_equilibrate = 1_000
steps_measure = 5_000
targetwalkers = 100;
Other FCIQMC parameters and strategies are the same as before
dτ = 0.001
svec = DVec(aIni => 1)
Now we run the main FCIQMC loop:
df, state = lomc!(H, svec;
laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure,
The output DataFrame
has FCIQMC statistics for each replica (e.g. shift)
println(filter(startswith("shift_"), names(df)))
["shift_1", "shift_2", "shift_3"]
as well as vector-vector overlaps (e.g. c1_dot_c2
println(filter(contains("dot"), names(df)))
["c1_dot_c2", "c1_dot_c3", "c2_dot_c3"]
and operator overlaps (e.g. c1_Op1_c2
) between the replicas.
println(filter(contains("Op"), names(df)))
["c1_Op1_c2", "c1_Op2_c2", "c1_Op3_c2", "c1_Op4_c2", "c1_Op5_c2", "c1_Op6_c2", "c1_Op1_c3", "c1_Op2_c3", "c1_Op3_c3", "c1_Op4_c3", "c1_Op5_c3", "c1_Op6_c3", "c2_Op1_c3", "c2_Op2_c3", "c2_Op3_c3", "c2_Op4_c3", "c2_Op5_c3", "c2_Op6_c3"]
The vector-vector and operator overlaps go into calculating the Rayleigh quotient for an observable
\[ \langle \hat{G}^{(2)}(d) \rangle = \frac{\sum_{a<b} \mathbf{c}_a^\dagger \cdot \hat{G}^{(2)}(d) \cdot \mathbf{c}_b}{\sum_{a<b} \mathbf{c}_a^\dagger \cdot \mathbf{c}_b }\]
The sum over all replica pairs (a,b), especially in the denominator, helps to avoid errors from poor sampling if the number of walkers is too low.
We use the function rayleigh_replica_estimator
to calculate the Rayleigh quotient using all replicas in df
, returning a RatioBlockingResult
using MonteCarloMeasurements
. Using the keyword skip
will ignore the initial equilibration steps.
Now we can calculate the correlation function for each value of d
println("Two-body correlator from $num_reps replicas:")
for d in dvals
r = rayleigh_replica_estimator(df; op_name = "Op$(d+1)", skip=steps_equilibrate)
println(" G2($d) = $(r.f) ± $(r.σ_f)")
Two-body correlator from 3 replicas:
G2(0) = 0.21613155078119725 ± 0.01085821157566204
G2(1) = 0.9169697523770443 ± 0.0038806082210552633
G2(2) = 0.9824296470223551 ± 0.0017958379949926653
G2(3) = 0.9850696504200039 ± 0.0021126795728271214
G2(4) = 0.9824296470223551 ± 0.0017958379949926653
G2(5) = 0.9169697523770443 ± 0.0038806082210552633
As expected, the onsite correlation at $d=0$ is low since this is a Mott insulating state with unit filling fraction, and is highest at $d=3$ which is the longest possible separation with periodic boundary conditions.
Since we ran multiple independent replicas, we also have multiple estimates of the shift energy
println("Shift energy from $num_reps replicas:")
for i in 1:num_reps
se = shift_estimator(df; shift="shift_$i", skip=steps_equilibrate)
println(" Replica $i: $(se.mean) ± $(se.err)")
Shift energy from 3 replicas:
Replica 1: -3.822539185245795 ± 0.22458214092101125
Replica 2: -4.0952774782992565 ± 0.20113200040556367
Replica 3: -4.003586035974758 ± 0.20727140414134074
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