Example: 1D Bose-Hubbard Model

This is an example calculation finding the ground state of a 1D Bose-Hubbard chain with 6 particles in 6 lattice sites. The Julia run-able script is in scripts/BHM-example.jl.

Firstly, we load all needed modules. Rimu for FCIQMC calculation;

using Rimu

Now we define the physical problem: Setting the number of lattice sites m = 6; and the number of particles n = 6:

m = n = 6

Generating a configuration that particles are evenly distributed:

aIni = nearUniform(BoseFS{n,m})
BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1))

where BoseFS is used to create a bosonic system. The Hamiltonian is defined based on the configuration aIni, with additional onsite interaction strength u = 6.0 and the hopping strength t = 1.0:

Ĥ = HubbardReal1D(aIni; u = 6.0, t = 1.0)
HubbardReal1D(BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); u=6.0, t=1.0)

Now let's setup the Monte Carlo settings. The number of walkers to use in this Monte Carlo run:

targetwalkers = 1_000

The number of time steps before doing statistics, i.e. letting the walkers to sample Hilbert and to equilibrate:

steps_equilibrate = 1_000

And the number of time steps used for getting statistics, e.g. time-average of shift, projected energy, walker numbers, etc.:

steps_measure = 1_000

Set the size of a time step

dτ = 0.001

and we report QMC data every k-th step, setting k = 1 means we record QMC data every step:

k = 1

Now we prepare initial state and allocate memory. The initial address is defined above as aIni = nearUniform(Ĥ). Define the initial number of walkers per rank:

nIni = 1

Putting the nIni number of walkers into the initial address aIni

svec = DVec(aIni => nIni)
DVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}},Int64} with 1 entries, style = IsStochasticInteger{Int64}()
  BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) => 1

Let's plant a seed for the random number generator to get consistent result:

1-element Vector{RandomNumbers.Xorshifts.Xoshiro256StarStar}:
 RandomNumbers.Xorshifts.Xoshiro256StarStar(0xaa4ef3ee45ebfd60, 0x69ac85241a55a21a, 0xfb87477d260ef03e, 0x1af9d30575ed5945)

Now let's setup all the FCIQMC strategies.

Passing dτ and total number of time steps into params:

params = RunTillLastStep(dτ = dτ, laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure)
  step: Int64 0
  laststep: Int64 2000
  shiftMode: Bool false
  shift: Float64 0.0
  dτ: Float64 0.001

Strategy for updating the shift:

s_strat = DoubleLogUpdate(targetwalkers = targetwalkers, ζ = 0.08)
DoubleLogUpdate{Int64}(1000, 0.08, 0.0016)

Strategy for reporting info:

r_strat = ReportDFAndInfo(k = k, i = 100)
  k: Int64 1
  i: Int64 100
  io: IOContext{Base.PipeEndpoint}
  writeinfo: Bool false

Strategy for updating dτ:

t_strat = ConstantTimeStep()

set up the calculation and reporting of the projected energy in this case we are projecting onto the starting vector, which contains a single configuration

post_step = ProjectedEnergy(Ĥ, copy(svec))
ProjectedEnergy{HubbardReal1D{Float64, BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, 6.0, 1.0}, Rimu.DictVectors.FrozenDVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Int64}, Rimu.DictVectors.FrozenDVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}}(:vproj, :hproj, HubbardReal1D(BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); u=6.0, t=1.0), Rimu.DictVectors.FrozenDVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Int64}(Pair{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Int64}[BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)) => 1]), Rimu.DictVectors.FrozenDVec{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}(Pair{BoseFS{6, 6, BitString{11, 1, UInt16}}, Float64}[BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 0)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((0, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((1, 2, 0, 1, 1, 1)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((2, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 2, 0, 1)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 2, 0, 1, 1)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 1)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 1)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)) => -1.4142135623730951, BoseFS{6,6}((0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2)) => -1.4142135623730951]))

Print out info about what we are doing:

println("Finding ground state for:")
println("Strategies for run:")
println(params, s_strat)
Finding ground state for:
HubbardReal1D(BoseFS{6,6}((1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)); u=6.0, t=1.0)
Strategies for run:
  step: Int64 0
  laststep: Int64 2000
  shiftMode: Bool false
  shift: Float64 0.0
  dτ: Float64 0.001
DoubleLogUpdate{Int64}(1000, 0.08, 0.0016)

Finally, we can start the main FCIQMC loop:

df, state = lomc!(Ĥ,svec;
            params = params,
            laststep = steps_equilibrate + steps_measure,
            s_strat = s_strat,
            r_strat = r_strat,
            τ_strat = t_strat,
            post_step = post_step,
            threading = false, # only for reproducible runs
println("Writing data to disk...")
Writing data to disk...

Saving output data stored in df into a .arrow file which can be read in later:

save_df("fciqmcdata.arrow", df)

Now let's look at the calculated energy from the shift: Loading the equilibrated data:

qmcdata = last(df,steps_measure)
using Rimu.StatsTools

For the shift, it's easy to use mean_and_se from Rimu.StatsTools

(qmcShift,qmcShiftErr) = mean_and_se(qmcdata.shift)
(-4.11255936332424, 0.12033103670365629)

For the projected energy, it a bit more complicated as it's a ratio of two means:

r = ratio_of_means(qmcdata.hproj,qmcdata.vproj)
rwe = ratio_with_errs(r)
(ratio = -4.124169759550372, err1_l = 0.0593789156671809, err1_u = 0.05850482001625501, err2_l = 0.11883159523701181, err2_u = 0.11502551121916227, f = -4.110604128821643, σ_f = 0.05916507732615564, δ_y = 0.015370185348807162, k = 7, success = true)

Here we use the 95% CI for the lower and upper error bars:

(eProj,eProjErrLower,eProjErrUpper) = (rwe.ratio, rwe.err2_l, rwe.err2_u)

println("Energy from $steps_measure steps with $targetwalkers walkers:
         Shift: $qmcShift ± $qmcShiftErr;
         Projected Energy: $eProj ± ($eProjErrLower, $eProjErrUpper)")
Energy from 1000 steps with 1000 walkers:
         Shift: -4.11255936332424 ± 0.12033103670365629;
         Projected Energy: -4.124169759550372 ± (0.11883159523701181, 0.11502551121916227)

Finished !


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